Sunday, August 7, 2011

Whole 30 paleo Challenge - Week # 1

After completing seven days of the Whole 30 Paleo Challenge (perfect eating for one month) I can say my motivation to stay on track has improved. Once a goal is set and you start making progress it helps when progress comes quickley. As my colleague Victor Hall reminds me "Success breeds motivation". Victor is my model for success. After transforming himself from 180 lbs and +20% body fat down to a 155 lbs. and 7% body fat using these methods of clean eating, carb restriction, and exercise how could I not follow. Here are my numbers for the week.

  • Start weight 8/1 - 186 lbs.
  • End weight 8/6 - 179 lbs.
  • Start Body Fat 8/1 - 17.2%
  • End Body Fat 8/6 - 16.2%
  • Ave Calories - 1684 kcal
  • Ave Protein - 122 grams
  • Ave Fat - 112 grams
  • Ave Carbs - 46 grams
Being that it was week #1 i am still playing with my numbers. I started out with my calories very low and let them creep up over the week as my body dictated. I would like to bring my protein up while keeping my carbs between 50-75 grams. My appetite is increasing with the addition of cardio. I am using an unweighed and unmeasured approach for the most part. But I do track my calories so I can see where I am at by days end using Daily Burn . Additionally I track my weight daily as part of Pirate Project 3.0 even though the Whole 30 says not to. I will be adding my Strength / Fitness/ Skills Training to the blog in a future post. Here is a peek at what I am gunning for.

The 3 Month Goal - October 30th

Body Fat - Sub 10%

Body Weight - ??? This is a mystery. Somewhere between 170- 180 lbs.

  • Deadlift 400 lbs.
  • Clean and Jerk - 200 lbs
  • 5K Run - 25 minutes
  • 5K Row - 19 minutes
  • 10K Row - 45 minutes
  • Handstand Push Ups - 5
  • Muscle Ups - 10
Train Fun!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going All In - The Whole 30 Perfect Paleo Challenge

We Pirates are at it again. After the past four months of experimenting with some Paleo protocols I feel I have the last few pieces to implement for best results. For the next 30 days we are attempting the Whole 30. Eating only whole, non processed foods while excluding all dairy, legumes, and grains. This is a "reset" to get things in order for a 3 month performance challenge. I need to lose fat to gain muscle. Goal is 10% body fat. Additionally my joints simply feel better on a carb restricted, high fat, high protein diet. Not to mention my ADHD brain. More on that in another post. This week is baseline testing and getting my food dialed in. Here is a peek at my proposed nutrition for week 1.
  • Protein - 175 grams /700 kcals
  • Carbohydrate - 50-75 grams / 200 - 300 kcals
  • Fat - 75 grams / 675 kcals
  • Total calories approximately 1700.
Based on the research, personal experimenting, and reading from the following authors we are ready to give this a go.

Loren Cordaine - Paleo Diet For Athletes
Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution
Mark Sisson - primal Blueprint
Gary Taubes - Why We Get Fat
Barry Sears - The Zone
John Berardi - Articles from his website

The only difference between this month and the following 2 months will be a weekly cheat meal / day. It has been my personal experience that if I run my diet at 90% compliance all goes well. At 89% compliance or below the wheels fall off the bus. Go figure. I have learned this lesson the hard way in many aspects of life. It is impossible to be perfect but if you are serious and want to do this or anything well you better go all in. I am not opposed to keeping balance but it doesn't seem to work well for me. Ha.

Again this is a personal experiment. I will likely be adjusting the protocol every two weeks as I check my results and look to improve on my findings.

Train Fun!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jump Roping In July - Double Unders

If you are stuck on Double Unders then this post is for you. So many athletes tell me that they can't do them or are just plain bad. We have had great success with this skill and believe with a few adjustments you can check them off your list.Lets take a look at a rough technical model to see if we can get you up to 50 unbroken reps by the end of the week.

Double Under Quick List
  • A longer, heavier rope is easier to learn but limits high end performance
  • Attempt doubles like you do singles - relaxed and without kicking your heels to your glutes
  • The rope MUST touch the floor on each rep
  • Arms close to your sides hands slightly out in front
  • Chest Up for better posture and alignment to support more elastic jumps
  • Finally - Practice, Practice, Practice - You should be able to add double unders nearly every time you attempt them.
The nice thing about this skill is that it is self limiting. You either get it or you don't. Your body will start to make minor adjustments to master the skill immediately.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Single Stretch Saturday - Loosen Up Your Tight Quads

Position A.

Stretching is a funny topic. There are so many categories and variations. Rather than tackle the whole cornucopia we have decided to share one stretch with you. Our belief is that it is better to invest more time on one thing than to dilute with too much variety. That said over the next year will will certainly give you more stretches, postures, Asanas, routines, and variations than you will ever need. My apologies in advance.

Before and after your next run or lift take on this Half Kneeling Quad / Hip Flexor Stretch. This is such an effective way to get a deep positional stretch for the culprit of many of our lower extremity woes. Sore knees, mobility at the knee and hip, and low back pain.

Guidelines which you will likely not follow
  1. Be gentle - no need to rip it apart
  2. Breath - holding your breath = unneeded tension in the tissue
  3. Hold the Position A. for at least two full breath cycles then transition to Position B.
  4. Try 3 rounds 3 reps on each side switching legs each set.
  5. If you are tight like I am on one side I don't bother stretching the looser side more than once.
Position B.

Monday, June 13, 2011

From Worst to Less Worse - Moving to the right.

Primal Blueprint - Lessons from author Mark Sisson - From worst to less worse
The second thing we learned from a lecture from Mark Sisson was the value of moving to the right on the spectrum scale. He was quick to point out that if we can get you to move from 5 cups of coffee per day to 2 then we have made a positive change. Though he proposes a "best" model there is supreme value in any change that improves your health.

What can you do to improve your health and nutrition to simply make it better?

Less junk food in the house?
Eat more whole foods?
Keep a food journal for accountability?

Give it a try.

Primal Blueprint - Lessons from author Mark Sisson Carbs

One of my favorite books on nutrition is Primal Blueprint by author and Paleo enthusiast Mark Sisson. After hearing him speak he made three comments that stuck with me.
  1. He mentioned that the "Carbohydrate Curve" is his proudest achievement in this book. He said that reading and hearing stories of his followers losing 50 lbs or more and regaining their health is of the greatest feelings possible. Additionally the reason he believes in this chart so convincingly is seeing it work for the serious athlete who eats and trains well and is looking to lose those last 5-10 lbs. of fat around their midsection. Following the 100 gram Carb guideline it has proven itself time and again.

The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve

What’ll It Be? The “Sweet Spot” or the “Danger Zone”?

Carbohydrate intake is often the decisive factor in weight loss success and prevention of widespread health problems like Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes. These average daily intake levels assume that you are also getting sufficient protein and healthy fats, and are doing some amount of Primal exercise. The ranges in each zone account for individual metabolic differences.

0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.

50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.

100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.

150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.

300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Last Monday on Memorial Day I went up against my "White Whale". A workout that I was almost certain was out of my reach until a couple of month's ago. I committed myself to a better Paleo style diet and got my training into a good groove. It was the toughest physical and mental test I believe I have ever experienced. After 58:14 I had finished. Special thanks to the other competitors, coaches, and my girlfriend for supporting through the event.

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lucky 13 - A WOD for my Dog

As many of you know I lost my dog Kilo last month after 13 great years of companionship. I got her when I was in graduate school at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She was a 5 month old rescue and I wanted to name her after some thing that reflected my vocation of strength training. The name Kilo came from the rubberized bumper plates found in all college and sports based facilities. She grew up always by my side and has no doubt watched a million sets and reps, seen thousands of workouts and visited close to one hundred weight rooms and gyms. Nearly every athlete I have every coached knew her. She kept me company through for these 13 years in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and most recently California for 6 years of surf, sun, and sand. When I made the decision to move back home to Massachusetts in March she was showing signs of slowing down and was diagnosed with a tumor. However after traveling 3000 miles cross country she really perked back up! Immediately after returning home I was called away to do business in Florida for a week while Kilo remained in Massachusetts with some of her biggest fans Mom and Dad. Every night that week dad called to say how well she was doing. Unfortunately that lasted for only 4 days before she showed signs of the end. After I landed at Logan airport at 7:45 PM Friday night I called mom to check in and she said Kilo had gotten worse and that I really needed to get home. Shortly after 8PM dad reported that she looked up at him and took her last breath before laying down to rest in peace. The real story here is that I got Kilo after moving away from to explore the country and she kept great care of me for nearly 14 years before delivering me back home. She was a smart girl and knew her job was complete and her mission accomplished. A truer companion never walked my side. This workout is my tribute to my girl from my "Alpha 1" program.

"Lucky 13"

AMRAP for 13 Minutes
K - Double Unders x 13
I - KB Swing x 13
L - Walking Lunges x 13 each leg
O - 400 m Run

Monday, April 4, 2011

New York City Half Marathon

After a weekend in the Big Apple cheering on 7500+ female runners for the More Magazine Half Marathon you can't help but walk away inspired. I myself have never gone that distance running or walking (not sure I have biked that far either!) As I watched these women sprint, run, jog, or walk their way around Central Park for 13.1 miles you could see the empowered determination and competitive drive. We are very proud of all our Pirate Fit athletes that participated in races in on the East Coast and West Coast. Keep up the good work girls!

Monday WOD

Tie up the sneakers and run!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. That means an early spring this year. Lets take these last few weeks in the cold to make sure we keep our strength levels up. For our New England Pirate members we know they have been shoveling weekly and those snow banks are getting higher which means you have to throw the snow a further distance.

5 x 5
  1. Goblet Squats - Pause 2 seconds at the bottom
  2. DB Bench Press - Be sure that DB's touch your body at the bottom
  3. Weighted Sit Ups - Knees bent arms extended over chest and sit up until plate is overhead
  4. Box Jumps - Be sure to open the hips at the top
Do one exercise at a time with 30 -60 s rest betweeen sets

Spring is Coming!

Train Fun!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mean Girls

As we prepare for "March Movie Madness" next month we have started growing our list. Special thanks to the Girls Volleyball team for selecting this workout. Along with Westerns like "True Grit", action movies like "The Terminator", and even the epic saga like "Braveheart" these workouts are designed to be as challenging as they are motivating. As a bonus you can set the soundtrack t0 the movie in the background. while you get in character. This WOD is a combo as it is also part of our Alphabet Assault Series.


Three rounds for Time

Act I -

M - Squat Jumps x 10
E - Sit Ups x 10
A - Air Squats x 1o
N - Double Unders x 10

Rest 5 Minutes

Three rounds for Time

Pick one weight and use for all exercises

Act II - Light Is Fast

G - 1/2 Pirate Get Ups x 5e
I - DB Swings Swings x 10
R - DB Pirate Plank Row x 5e
L - DB Walking Lunges x 5e
S - DB Squats x 10

Rx Weight
Men 35
Women 15

Train Fun!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Seven Sisters Series - #2 Claudia

One of the challenges with weight training and cardio vascular fitness is linking them together in a workout. When doing the "Claudia" workout is couldn't be more straight forward. With this second installment of the Sever Sister Series we introduce a couplet of running and Kettlebell Swings. Do not be fooled as this girl is anything but a "Plain Jane." Claudia is one of the most effective and efficient workouts in the series. Whether you are at home using a treadmill or at the park with a single piece of equipment. This five round event with put you in your place with a total body butt kicker.

5 Rounds for Time

400 m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings

Women 35 lb
Men 53 lb.

Train Fun!

Friday, January 28, 2011


We are all happy that it is Friday so here is a end of the week lift to bring in the weekend or at least earn your Happy Hour tonight!

Our weekly prescription of the "Alphabet Assault"


Do as a circuit

T - DB Thrusters
G - 1 /2 Pirate Get Up
I - Kettlebell Swing
F - Goblet Squat

Train Fun!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

10 x 10 x 10

Are you ready for a full body workout where the grand total equals 1000 reps? Yes you are! Here is the lay out.

A Tribute work out to the late great Jack LaLanne. He did in his 90's what most can't do in their prime. A testament to health and wellness.

10 Exercise, 10 Reps each, 10 Rounds for Time
  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Air Squats
  3. Push Ups
  4. Sit Ups
  5. Alternating Lunges
  6. Bench Dips
  7. Squat Jumps
  8. 1/2 Pirate Get Ups
  9. Giant Backward Arm Circles
  10. Burpee Jacks

Train Fun!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OC Throwdown 2011 video

Visit for more Videos

Run, Bike, Swim, or Row

Simple Things Done Savagely Well is our motto here at Pirate Fit. Todays WOD is a mono structural pursuit for you to buckle down and go the distance. To balance out the lifting and short interval work lets air it out and hit the Long Slow Distance (LSD).

Let us know what exercise you choose, distance, and time.

My choice today is the 5k Row. Check later for my time.

Train Fun!

Monday, January 24, 2011

CrossFit Fun with the Seven Sisters

This past weekend myself and Taylor Yaffee attended and became certified as CrossFit Level 1 coaches courtesy of Coach Greg Glassman founder of CrossFit. He is a big believer in the development of todays youth and improving their health. He felt that the work that we are doing here at Pirate Fit was important and offered both Taylor and I this certification and the CrossFit Kids certification on his dime. The Charter of CrossFit is to "Increase Work Capacity Across Broad Time and Modal Domains". The prescription is "constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement." We are excited to add this methodology into a blended program to help our athletes to get best results.

My background and degree is in Exercise Science with certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting (Level 1 Club Coach), Function Movement Screen as a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), and a certified massage therapist. The combination of these educational programs and 15 years of coaching experience has helped to shape Pirate Fit.

Over the next 7 weeks we will be introducing the "Seven Sister Series." We have selected from the popular list of "Girl" workouts that are so popular with CrossFit. The are named after tropical storms (or so the legend goes) and they are to be taken seriously. Here they are
  1. Angie
  2. Cindy
  3. Claudia
  4. Fran
  5. Grace
  6. Helen
  7. Linda
Each one has its unique characteristics and a combination of task and time priorities. They can all be scaled to accommodate everyone from Olympian to Centenarian. There is a need to have access to a pull up bar but we can offer some suggestions if this is not possible. kettlebells are nice but not mandatory.

"ANGIE" - For Time
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats

Simply Scaled Levels
  1. 25 reps
  2. 50 reps
  3. 75 reps
  4. 100 reps - Prescribed or Rx
You must finish one exercise before you move on. You may also decide to do different levels for different exercises
  • Pull Ups Level 1
  • Push ups Level 2
  • Sit Ups Level 3
  • Air squats Level 4

Train Fun!

Please post your time and comments. We love to hearing from you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Pull Up Part III

In this third installment for pull up success we will go over the guidelines to getting up to the bar. In our previous two posts we covered
  1. Hand size
  2. Grip strength
  3. Pain
  4. Systemic strength
  5. Body weight
  6. Equipment
Now we will delve deeper into what to do day in and day out.

7. Technique - When it comes to the traditional Dead Hang Pull Up there is no technique. Simply pull until you get your chin over the bar. Of course then this post wouldn't relate to you anyway. But we advocate the use of the kipping pull ups. This will do a few things to help you along on your journey.
  • Develop hand strength
  • Tolerate pain and and toughness i.e. callouses - Yes you will need them
  • And help to develop the proper body mechanics to develop the swing + pull to achieve your goal
The swing - This is simple. Use the shoulder as a pivot point and move through the core while swinging to and fro. When the legs go forward the upper body moves back when the legs travel behind the torso moves to the front. Mastery of this is essential. You should try variations with short and tight swings as well as long and loose.

The Swing + Pull - Once you have some appreciation for the swing you will want to add short pulls (mini pull ups with elbow bend) when the legs come forward. You can create a weightless moment if your swing + pull are timed correctly. Don't expect to go flying up just yet. There is a distinct technique that allows for this to become automatic. It takes time and reps. That leads us to point # 8.

8. Density is defined as the number of training days, combined with amount of work performed over a given time. You need to put in the time, energy and intensity to make a impact and create change. An old surfer named Roy Crump sold me a surf board while I was new to Huntington Beach and the surf scene. He asked how often I planned on surfing. I confidently said 3 x's per week. He looked at me as though he should take the board back and sell it to a more worthy adversary. His response was simple. "Joshua if you really want to surf you need to get in the water everyday twice a day." Truer words have never been spoken. Commit yourself to the task as often as is possible to remain physically healthy. Your mental health...well that is already shot so lets move on. Your body will adapt and the closely packed sessions will build on both success and motivation. As my friend and coach Victor Hall reminds me "Intensity is KING but CONSISTENCY rules."

Band Assisted Kipping Pull Up

9. Program Design - The final piece of this series is what to do. We will lay out a model for you to go by. You may pick and choose as needed because people progress at different rates. This is our method and it has yielded consistent results with our athletes.

  • Kipping Swing - 3 x 10 If you can't Kip you can't play. This is the jumping off point that we have been referring to. Hand and tissue tolerance are the limiting factors up front. So be smart and mind your blisters. Increase reps and sets as you build comfort and strength.
  • Band Assisted Kipping Pull Ups 3 x 5. This will teach you how to time the swing + pull and also develop the know how to link reps together.
  • Jumping Pull Ups - 3 x 10 To develop the strength and work capacity needed you must add this in to your training. It won't help with technique but it will develop strength levels than can be further challenged by using a lower box or even jumping from only one foot. Remember to drop your hips at the bottom and fully extend your arms.
With a one month program we like to use a simple Pirate Progression
  1. Week 1 - 2 x's week
  2. Week 2 - 3 x's week
  3. Week 3 & 4 - 4 x's week
All told that equals out to be a one month total of
  • Kipping Swings = 390
  • Band Assisted Kipping Pull Ups = 195
  • Jumping Pull Ups = 390
Of course through out this program you should try to do a full pull up and see where you are at. The hardest part is going from Zero to One pull up. The next is getting two in a row. After that it is all the same. Let us know your progress.

Train Fun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Pull Up Part II

Can you do that pull up yet? Well then let us dive a bit deeper into the next three areas to help with the king of upper body exercises. In our last post we went over # 1, 2, & 3. Then we introduced a video demonstrating a jumping pull up. It is the perfect way to get started doing pull ups today regardless of your strength level or experience.
  1. Hand size - No way to change this but if this is an issue you better nail down these other areas
  2. Grip strength - Improve griping and crushing strength for more pull ups
  3. Pain - It is going to hurt
Now lets take a look at the next 3 areas in the series

4. Systemic strength - People who can do pull ups can do most every exercise well. It is an indicator of what is know as systemic strength. Your whole body working in unison recruiting as many motor units as needed and synchronizing them to help get the job done. Deadlifts will help your pull ups and pull ups can help your deadlift. You need to ditch the 8 lb dumbbells that you have been using for the last 5 years in an attempt to "tone' your muscles and improve overall strength.

5. Body weight - Get light and get fast. I recently lost 10 lbs since the New Year and performed a workout named "Nicole" ( see below) a 20 minute AMRAP of 400 m Runs and Max effort pull ups. I did 5 rounds and 67 pull ups. Without that fat loss I would have achieved 60% 0f those rounds and runs. Get your diet together and stop hauling around non contributing weight i.e. fat. I am a huge fan of Mark Sisson and The Primal Blueprint when it comes to lifestyle and Paleo (Caveman) eating.

6. Equipment - A few things that you will want to aid in your quest for pull up power. A box to do jumping pull ups. Anything will do but we use aerobic steps to make quick and easy adjustments.

Next is a super band to help assist you with the motion. It will help you through the strength curve (gives you assistance at the bottom where you are mechanically weakest and less help towards the top zone where you are strongest.)

And last is a good pull up bar. there are many to choose from. But if you are looking for one to have in the garage but not take up a lot of room we like the Stud Bar. It is less than $100 and if you are serious about pull ups you can do a set every time you are ready to head out to work!

Todays "Captain's Challenge" is to get started with the kipping swing. It is more fun than hanging and is the prime lead in to the Kipping pull up we will introduce entirely tomorrow.

Our next post will cover
7. Technique - How to get you started or better at what you are doing.
8. Density - How much & how often
9. Program Design - How to work it into your program

Todays WOD is a Met Con


20 Minute AMRAP
Run 400m
Max Pull Ups - Kipping , Butterfly, Dead hang, Band assisted, Jumping. Your choice.

Please post your results and share your comments.

Train Fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Pull Up Part 1

Can you do a pull up? How about 5? How about 20? Pull Ups are the benchmark for functional upper body strength. It truly separates a group of athletes distinctly and quickly. It is the great equalizer. The challenge I see with many people is that if they can't do a pull up they simply accept it as a hard and fast truth that cannot be changed. I do not agree and will share how we have helped our athletes do the "impossible". Ladies much of this is written with you in mind. These are the areas this 3 part series will cover.

  1. Hand size
  2. Grip strength
  3. Pain
  4. Systemic strength
  5. Body weight
  6. Equipment
  7. Technique
  8. Density
  9. Program Design
In Part I we will address the first 3 points

  1. Hand Size - This is overlooked in so many areas in training. In Olympic weightlifting their is a specific "ladies bar" that weighs 15 kg compared to the mens 20 kg bar. It is shorter and has a smaller bar diameter to accommodate for the smaller hand. Also used with youth aged athletes. Even basketball has a smaller ball for women. Most bars are similar in size but the advantage goes to the men in this area when it comes to making improvement. This leads us to point # 2
  2. Grip Strength - With the relative size difference of hand - to- bar women have to simply get better at their hand strength both in griping and crushing. But the same holds true for men. If you can't hang comfortably on the bar for 60 seconds without always worrying about your hands don't expect to knockout 20 pull ups anytime soon. Actually exerting high levels of force and doing kipping or butterfly style gives your hands a break momentarily on every rep. Also there is something to be said for hand toughness or skin thickness.
  3. Pain - Pull Ups hurt. Sometimes just for 30 seconds and sometimes for 24 hours after. Should you blister or rip a callous then you can expect a week or two to get full recovery. One of my favorite quotes "It's not about ignoring the pain but rather being more than the pain."
Today lets try a workout that is a popular CrossFit girl named "Cindy"

20 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Body weight squats

Jumping Pull Ups - Try these to help get you going. Long arms at bottom chin over the bar at the top.

Train Fun!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pirate Fit Athlete Wins OC Throwdown

Congratulations to Taylor Yaffee (18) for winning this years 2011 CrossFit OC Throwdown Intermediate Division event. In his first competition he showed that he had the balance of Strength, Fitness, and Skills. He was the favorite to win even before the finals with a commanding lead of 29 points. Showing his "never quit" attitude and poise throughout 6 workouts over 2 days we expect to see more great things from Taylor and the athletes of Pirate Fit.

Special thanks to all the members and coaches at Cross Fit South County for letting Taylor participate in WOD's on weekends. It has been great that he was able to get in extra sessions and get great coaching from some real fire breathers.

Try this WOD from this weekends OC Throwdown.

Run 330 m

20 KB Swings
20 Pull Ups
Repeat 3 x's

Finish with
330 m Run

Taylors Time - 7:43

KB Weight
Men - 53 lbs
Women - 44 lbs

Check out Taylor's interview on

Friday, January 14, 2011

Vegas, Baby!

In honor of one of our clients weekend get away to Sin City we bring you the next WOD in our Alphabet Assault Series. May we introduce a workout that is free of guilt but payment for playing will be felt for days after. Done as a Chipper where it is one round for time and you steadily chip away.

  • E - SIT UPS x 75
  • G - 1/2 PIRATE GET UP x 25 each
  • A - AIR SQUATS x 100
  • S, - DB SQUATS x 25

  • B - PUSH UPS x 25
  • A - AIR SQUATS x 100
  • B - PUSH UPS x 25
  • Y - DB CLEANS x 25
We are adding exercise videos to help with technique and specific skills.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull - Can be done wit Dumbbells or our preference a Kettle Bell

1/2 Pirate Get Up - Can be done with a Dumbbell

Squat Cleans can be done with Dumbbells. For "Vegas, Baby" do it without the squat.

Train Fun!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Pirate Death Walk

A couple years ago I was in Sacramento visiting my good friend Victor Hall. We went over to the local college to see the weight room and proceeded outside to watch track practice. As usual we started discussing challenges and exercise ideas. One question I brought up was "Could you lunge one lap around the track?" Now from Cross Fit we know the answer is yes. But the quality and recovery could be more than it is worth. They have posted that as a WOD many times. We decided the 100 Rep* challenge would be a good end of WOD finisher. So that night after a garage lift we gave it a shot. Victor was gracious enough to allow me to go first. I got about 30 reps in and my legs started to shake and seize up. I finished in 5:35 touching my back knee to the asphalt on every rep. Victor turned in an impressive 2:32 time to show me he was twice the athlete. Since then hundreds of Pirate Fit Athletes have tried and succeeded with the "Pirate DEATH Walk" challenge.

There are two ways to do this
  1. Get in 100 reps for time
  2. Get as many reps as possible unbroken stopping at 100 for time
* Note:Victor is 5'8" to my 6'0" and we have completely opposite builds. I am all limbs. He was quick to point out that reps versus distance was an easy way to compare scores.


Train Fun!

Going to the Well

A few years back my good friend and former co worker from Athletes' Performance Luke Richesson was training for a deadlift competition. Luke is the most powerful coach I have ever worked with. Not only can he lift big weights but he can get others to do it as well. He motivated me to train and attain a 506.2 lb deadlift in 2003. We had a conversation I will never forget. I asked him how training was going and what numbers he wanted to hit. He told that he was shooting for 650 lbs. at a body weight of around 200 lbs. and sub 10% body fat. But he said something else that day that left an impression. "If I am going to hit my goal I will have to go to the well about 3 - 4 more times" said Luke in between 400 lb sets of RDL's. What Luke meant was that every few weeks he was going to have to make the long journey to get in a savage session and do all the work he could muster to earn what he wanted. It was as if he were living in a village and had to travel many miles to the water source and bring it back for survival. His goal was massive and it was going to take a few special workouts to do the extra work that no matter how bad you want it it will be a fight that is going to hurt and leave you feeling it for days after. To be great you have to get your mind and body right too. "Go To The Well".

Wednesday "Well WOD"

1 x 20 Front or Back Squats

Get in a great extended warm up of stretching and some cardio. Do at least 4 warm up sets to get in the groove. Dumbbells or a barbell is fine. Prepare for the long fight. Full Range of Motion (ROM) and get your mind right because you may do 5 reps out of the gate and pause for a few breaths do 4 more, a few breaths and eventually you will likely be doing singles all the way home. Do not put the bar down. Stand there and stay in the fight. Dig deep and exceed expectations today.

Luke's best deadlift 650.2 lbs.

Train Fun!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Does It Take To Be Great?

"In order to be great you must not think less of yourself but rather less about yourself".

After last nights game between the Auburn Tigers and The University of Oregon Ducks we have created another "Alphabet Assault" WOD. The Tigers showed their greatness by going undefeated this season. What game are you playing to win? Have you taken the time to read, talk, listen, and test out these methods? Staying on track with our Nutrition theme my good friend and colleague Rett Larson reviews Dr. Loren Cordain's book Paleo Diet for Athletes. If you are not familiar with the Paleo Diet you need to get aquatinted with it immediately. But here it is in a nutshell. Eat meat and vegetables, little fruit no starch or sugar. Got It? Paleo comes from the Paleolithic Era of Cavemen. The idea is that if we eat closer to the earth and less from boxes we will regain our bodies natural functions like less inflammation, and sickness, lose weight, and feel better. You really can't go wrong with this method. If your diet isn't very good then start to look into the Paleo Diet and get GREAT results.

A WOD to celebrate the best team in college football The 14-0 Auburn Tigers.

Do 4 quarters of 14 reps per exercise. Split the reps for unilateral exercises i.e. Pirate Get ups

For Time
4 x 14

T - DB Thrusters
I - KB Swings
G - Pirate 1/2 Get Up
E - Sit Ups
R - DB Row
S - DB Front Squat

Men - Rx DB 30 lbs KB 44 lbs
Women - Rx DB 15 lbs KB 28 lbs

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fatigue Makes A Coward Of Us All

Pirate Fit WOD January 10th, 2011

Week # 2 of the new year. How are your resolutions coming along? Things over here at the Pirate Workshop are really ramping up. We have started a better system for tracking our Personal Records (PR). We will be sharing more of these systems later this month. Until then if you are doing a food journal we prefer . And if you don't track for your foods then start today! If you really want success then track it. Don't you think investment bankers keep track of their finances everyday? If you are serious about it then make sure you can measure it. The other effective and even easier system is to take a picture of every meal. It is a bit harder to take a picture of a bag of M&M's then a chicken salad with EVOO.

Today's WOD

Run a 5k

Please post your time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pirate Fit WOD January 7th, 2011

Got Strength?

Back to the basics. The need for total body strength is often overlooked by adults. Athletes understand that the ability to move heavy weights properly has a direct correlation to on the field performance whether you play football or golf. But the weekend warrior seems to default to the "light weight high reps" game plan and it leaves much to be desired. I recall well known Physical Therapist Gray Cook state that once when he was working with a older adult after a major knee surgery the goal was to get her working with 35, 44, and 53 lb. kettlebells. People questioned him on the value of the loads knowing she was not an athlete. His reason was simple "she likes to travel". You can't have her using 10 lb dumbbells when she is regularly pulling a 50 lb. suitcase awkwardly out of the back of her car or putting a 25 lb carry on in the overhead compartment. You can't feel good knowing she wasn't strong enough to support her lifestyle or worse yet get injured doing it. Strength is critical, makes us feel good, and is essential to a full heathy life.

"5 X 5"

A tried and true method for strength training. The goal is to get in your warm up sets and then get the best tonnage possible over 5 sets.

Bench Press - 5 x 5
135 x 5
140 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 5

Total weight = 710 x 25 reps = 17,750 lbs. lifted

  1. Bench Press
  2. Deadlift
  3. Overhead Press
  4. Walking Lunges
  5. Barbell Bent Over Row
  • Do one exercise until all sets are complete aka - Straight sets
  • Rest no more than a minute in between sets
  • Warm ups sets do not count towards total exercise or WOD tonnage
Please remember to post your workout times, reps, weights and comments. We would love to hear from you.

Train Fun!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pirate Fit WOD January 6th, 2011

Are you ready for 1, 2, 3, Core? This strength based WOD uses a combination of movements, planes, weight, and positions to give you a well rounded full body workout.

"Pirate Pointer"
We love push ups over here at the Pirate Workshop. In fact we have a number of our team members who have committed to the ridiculous 1 year goal of 50,000. You read correctly that is 137 per day. Between Jason, Alexia, and Taylor that have accomplished over 48,000 push ups in just 5 months. We also take the technique on push ups seriously. Two rules: make sure you go chest to deck and lock out the arms at the top. Other than that modify however you want. Push ups from the knees are fine but please don't call them "girl push ups" around us! That is an insult to all the females out there like Alexia who can do 20 perfect unbroken push ups. Here are a few tips. We keep our elbows tight to our body with a relatively close grip. This places a greater demand on the tricep muscles but also reduces the amount of rotation of the humerous (upper arm bone) at the shoulder. Remember to create some tension throughout your entire body especially on the upward movement. Legs tight, glutes tight, abs tight. Make certain that your body rises as a plank. If you are sagging in the middle it is not worth the fight. Another good modification to increase difficulty is to elevate your feet or use parallette bars and to make it easier do your push ups with your hands on a bench or box.

"1, 2, 3, Core"
  • 4 Rounds
  • 30s rest between sets
  • Done as a circuit

Push Ups - Max reps
Single Arm Single Leg (SA SL) DB Row - 10 each arm
Alternating DB Lunges - 10 each leg
Pirate 1/2 Get Up - 5 each side

Rx - Prescribed Weights
  • Women 20 lbs
  • Men 40 lbs
  • Scale weight as needed

Please remember to post your workout times, reps, weights and comments. We would love to hear from you.

Train Fun!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pirate Fit WOD January 5th, 2011

The Wednesday Workout Of the Day (WOD) is the first from our Alphabet Assault Series. Each letter of the alphabet has a paired exercise. When you spell out different words you get a unique workout. We thought we would kick it off with a couplet (double WOD) named "PIRATE FIT". We hope you are ready to "come aboard".

The first word in the series "PIRATE" is a circuit. Do all six exercises back to back for three rounds of 10 reps with no break.

  • 3 Rounds of 10 reps
  • For Time
P - DB Shoulder Press
I - KB Swing
R - DB Pirate Plank Row
A - Air Squat
T - Thruster (DB Squat to Press)
E - Sit Ups

Rx - Prescribed Weights

  • Women DB 20 lbs KB 35 lbs
  • Men DB 40 lbs KB 53lbs
  • Scale weight as needed

WOD # 2
Workout or Walk the Plank - You have a choice you can stay onboard or walk the plank for an easy exit (read - QUIT). Still here... great now get your mind right because it is time to get "FIT". This terrible trifecta is a UNBROKEN Challenge. Do As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) until you have to take a break. Continuous reps only! Then take 30s and simply move on to the next exercise. Sounds easy right? Done as a circuit this builds extreme muscular endurance and the mental toughness to tackle even the "Kraken". Count up your total reps of all 3 rounds.

  • 3 Rounds of UNBROKEN sets.
  • Rest 30s between exercises
  • Add up total reps completed
F - Goblet Squat
I - KB Swing
T - Thruster

Rx - Prescribed Weights

  • Women DB 20 lbs KB 35 lbs
  • Men DB 40 lbs KB 53lbs
  • Scale weight as needed

Please remember to post your workout times, reps, weights and comments. We would love to hear from you.

Train Fun!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pirate Fit WOD January 4th, 2011

Tuesday's Workout Of the Day (WOD)

Select a single set of dumbbells (DB) and use that weight for all three exercises. The weight will be determined by your pressing strength. See Levels below.

Do the exercises in a circuit A - B - C at ten reps each. The second round will be 9 reps for each exercise, the third round at 8 reps, etc. down to one. See how long it takes. Post your comment and let us know what weight you did and your time.

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 for Time

A. DB Press
B. DB Squat
C. DB Squat to Press

Female Weight Levels
  1. 10 lbs
  2. 12.5 lbs
  3. 15 lbs
  4. 20 lbs - Prescribed (Rx)
Male Weight Levels
  1. 25 lbs
  2. 30 lbs
  3. 35 lbs
  4. 40 lbs - Prescribed (Rx)
Train Fun!