Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. That means an early spring this year. Lets take these last few weeks in the cold to make sure we keep our strength levels up. For our New England Pirate members we know they have been shoveling weekly and those snow banks are getting higher which means you have to throw the snow a further distance.

5 x 5
  1. Goblet Squats - Pause 2 seconds at the bottom
  2. DB Bench Press - Be sure that DB's touch your body at the bottom
  3. Weighted Sit Ups - Knees bent arms extended over chest and sit up until plate is overhead
  4. Box Jumps - Be sure to open the hips at the top
Do one exercise at a time with 30 -60 s rest betweeen sets

Spring is Coming!

Train Fun!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mean Girls

As we prepare for "March Movie Madness" next month we have started growing our list. Special thanks to the Girls Volleyball team for selecting this workout. Along with Westerns like "True Grit", action movies like "The Terminator", and even the epic saga like "Braveheart" these workouts are designed to be as challenging as they are motivating. As a bonus you can set the soundtrack t0 the movie in the background. while you get in character. This WOD is a combo as it is also part of our Alphabet Assault Series.


Three rounds for Time

Act I -

M - Squat Jumps x 10
E - Sit Ups x 10
A - Air Squats x 1o
N - Double Unders x 10

Rest 5 Minutes

Three rounds for Time

Pick one weight and use for all exercises

Act II - Light Is Fast

G - 1/2 Pirate Get Ups x 5e
I - DB Swings Swings x 10
R - DB Pirate Plank Row x 5e
L - DB Walking Lunges x 5e
S - DB Squats x 10

Rx Weight
Men 35
Women 15

Train Fun!