Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lucky 13 - A WOD for my Dog

As many of you know I lost my dog Kilo last month after 13 great years of companionship. I got her when I was in graduate school at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She was a 5 month old rescue and I wanted to name her after some thing that reflected my vocation of strength training. The name Kilo came from the rubberized bumper plates found in all college and sports based facilities. She grew up always by my side and has no doubt watched a million sets and reps, seen thousands of workouts and visited close to one hundred weight rooms and gyms. Nearly every athlete I have every coached knew her. She kept me company through for these 13 years in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and most recently California for 6 years of surf, sun, and sand. When I made the decision to move back home to Massachusetts in March she was showing signs of slowing down and was diagnosed with a tumor. However after traveling 3000 miles cross country she really perked back up! Immediately after returning home I was called away to do business in Florida for a week while Kilo remained in Massachusetts with some of her biggest fans Mom and Dad. Every night that week dad called to say how well she was doing. Unfortunately that lasted for only 4 days before she showed signs of the end. After I landed at Logan airport at 7:45 PM Friday night I called mom to check in and she said Kilo had gotten worse and that I really needed to get home. Shortly after 8PM dad reported that she looked up at him and took her last breath before laying down to rest in peace. The real story here is that I got Kilo after moving away from to explore the country and she kept great care of me for nearly 14 years before delivering me back home. She was a smart girl and knew her job was complete and her mission accomplished. A truer companion never walked my side. This workout is my tribute to my girl from my "Alpha 1" program.

"Lucky 13"

AMRAP for 13 Minutes
K - Double Unders x 13
I - KB Swing x 13
L - Walking Lunges x 13 each leg
O - 400 m Run

Monday, April 4, 2011

New York City Half Marathon

After a weekend in the Big Apple cheering on 7500+ female runners for the More Magazine Half Marathon you can't help but walk away inspired. I myself have never gone that distance running or walking (not sure I have biked that far either!) As I watched these women sprint, run, jog, or walk their way around Central Park for 13.1 miles you could see the empowered determination and competitive drive. We are very proud of all our Pirate Fit athletes that participated in races in on the East Coast and West Coast. Keep up the good work girls!

Monday WOD

Tie up the sneakers and run!